olympic flame.

my olympic flame (much like the bangles “eternal flame”) has returned in all his glory to defend his title. he even broke his own world record yesterday. (no i’m not talking about lame-o baltimore boy michael phelps who was just as quick to get a dui as he was to get his medal.)

we met four years ago (for those of you who don’t know i had several extremely successful relationships in my head before christian.) it was late at night and a bunch of us were crammed into the cap h boys’ rowhouse in dc. there was eating and flirting and above all else, olympic race viewing. i found myself in a room with none other than aaron piersol as he was about to win the gold medal for the 100 meter backstroke. it was an amazing race. i would research all i could about aaron and dream that i could get a reporting job in austin and he could finish school… i had it all planned out. last night, seeing him win again, i remembered my first olympic crush and was grateful for the true athlete of my heart!

thanks aaron, it was good while it lasted!

6 thoughts on “olympic flame.

  1. >So, I looked up pics of this Aaron guy and he's pretty cute, but then I found this pic of him with a teammate, Ryan Lochte. I almost fainted, wow what a bod! http://www.daylife.com/photo/026Gfab2OM3n0I'm glad you found the true athlete of your heart. I know you already know this, but your husband's blog is HILARIOUS. The girls are napping and I had to control my laughter so as to not wake them. I loved the self-invite dinner email post & the HOMO milk of Canada. Oh so funny…how do you two get anything done? Your probably both just cracking each other up all the time. Tell him thanks for the laughs.

  2. >OK – I secretly have a crush on him too. He is so laid back, whatever…I love that. And, I also have to say that Christian’s blog is hilarious. What a laugh I just had….

  3. >You’ve MET Aaron Peirsol???? Okay, I love Tony and all, but that boy is hot!Some people here at work at scheming to get in with Phelps when he returns to MD. But I told them they’re looking at the wrong relay winner.

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